
implant 92b

implant 92e

implant 92c

implant 92d



Integrating Analog and Digital Workflow to Fabricate
Implant Mandibular Complete Overdenture with a
Milled Titanium Bar: A Clinical Report

Clinical Outcomes of Posterior Implants with Surveyed Crowns
for Implant-Assisted Removable Partial Dentures:
A Retrospective Study

Full-Mouth Rehabilitation Using a Tissue-Level
Angled-Head Dental Implant System:
A Retrospective Analysis with Long-Term Follow-Up

Effect of Attachment Type, Maximum Occlusal Force, and
Denture Deformation on Marginal Bone Loss of Two-Implant
Overdentures: A Short-Term Clinical Trial

Long-Term Results of Intraforaminal Immediately Loaded
Implants and Posterior Mandibular Regrowth Evaluation in
Severely Atrophic Mandibles

“Three-Dimensional Ring” of Zygomatic-Supported
Prosthetics Rehabilitation in Bilateral Maxillary Defect

Finite Element Analysis of Stress Distribution in
Mandibles with Different Bone Types Loaded by
Implant-Supported Overdentures with
Different Localizations of Locator Attachments

Retrospective Evaluation of
Two-Implant–Supported Mandibular Overdentures
with Radiographic and Clinical Aspects

Implant Overdenture: The Past, the Present and the Future - Eva Anadioti, DDS, MS

There is nothing as complicated as the truth

Outcomes of Mandibular Overdentures Supported by Four
Short Implants Combined with Photobiomodulation Therapy

Influence of Implant Distribution and Palatal Coverage on the Strain of Splinted Implant and Overdenture in Maxillary Implant Overdentures

The Implant-Supported Fixed Complete Dental Prosthesis

Maxillary Bone Resorption with Conventional Dentures and Four-Implant–Supported Fixed Prosthesis Opposed by Distal-Extension Partial Dentures: A Preliminary 5-year Retrospective Study 


Electromyographic Connectivity of Masseter Muscle
with Different Retentive Attachments for
Implant Overdentures in Patients with
Atrophied Mandibular Ridges: A Crossover Study